“Very well organized and compact conference with plenty of networking opportunities.”-KamalAraj-JordanAtomicEnergyCouncil
“As cocktail sponsors, we are extremely pleased by the extremely helpful and proactive team of Noppen. Good opportunities to meet and network and very satisfied with the branding”–Enersense
“Well organized, interesting relationship building and topics. It was a good opportunity to meet the people/projects. Noppen facilitated very positively the networking.”JoachimSpecht–E.ONKernkraft
“I like the organization of the event, private meetings were well scheduled and arranged. I am pleased with everything”–SosnyR&D
“Quite comprehensive presentations of the nuclear energy perspectives in a positive environment and constructive attitude. I had an interesting insight in the plans of embarking countries”StamatiosTsalas–Euratom,EuropeanCommission
“Well arranged, carefully supported, good topics, good speakers and good networking”–TechneticsGroup
“Focused conference, good value for time spent. Good policy | Technical Discussions & networking opportunities” Shah Nawaz Ahmad–WorldNuclearAssociation
“Really professional arrangements and preparations”–Siempelkamp
“Excellent and timely information on regional nuclear activity” Edward Kee, NERA
“A good way to obtain a global view of all the future projects and technologies in Eastern Europe, Turkey and Middle East”–Ugitech
“Very interesting and useful summit”-Rosatom
“It allows to feel the pulse of present and future energy focus in the region, updated with information from the area, established new contacts for possible future cooperation”MirceaMetes–Nuclearelectrica
“Well organized event gathering nuclear energy managers, we have contacted many of the people on target”–ENVYEnergy
“A very focused and serious summit”–ConsulateGeneralRomania
“It was well organised and was our first attendance but we are going to attend in the next years.”–ForsenMachinery
“An excellent set of experts from around the world. Thanks and congratulations to the organizers”JanosWeisz–Hungarian Consulate
“It is an important event for the Nuclear Sector”MehmetBulut–EUAS
“I have reached my target prospects”–RepublicofTurkeyPrimeMinistryUndersecretariatofTreasury
“We were interested with TSO`s and Tuv Sud`s presentation was very useful for us”–TurkishAtomicEnergyAuthority
“Thank you for this good organization”LeventOzdemir–TurkishAtomicEnergyAuthority
“It was very effective conference, interesting and good”–CekmeceNuclearResearchandTrainingCenter
“Thank you very much for your great efforts. Completely satisfactory. Very interesting subjects presented by real experts!”–Tasam
“Good contacts were made”–CH2MHill
“Provided good ability to exchange experiences and to meet experts”–SUROCZ
“Fresh perspective on the industry. Satisfied”–Larsen&Toubro
“Surprisingly insightful and pleasant”–CTUPrague
“The event was well organized, full of useful information”–HacoInternational
“It was useful to have information about the developments on NPP`s in Turkey. Informed about Akkuyu and Sinop NPP`s. I have found the chance to contact responsible directors.”–YukselConstruction
“This has been a very insightful event on the on-going development new build nuclear power in Turkey”-SPXClydeUnionPumps
“I have gathered very important information as well as very important contacts during the event”-ICIctasConstruction
“Well organized, I learned many details about NPP projects in Turkey and also had chances to contact special companies. All in all, very effective. Special thanks to the organizers”–Metacore
“Helpful for potential relations”–GamaConstruction
“Good meetings for business, very good personal touch of Noppen”–KPAUnicon